A bible.

Words of Encouragement


In his vision, John the apostle saw three future heavenly activities. The first one is serving (Revelation 22:3). In the kingdom we’ll have minds and bodies equal to the task to which we’re assigned. The second activity is seeing: We “shall see His face” (v.4). “Now we see in a mirror, dimly” (1 Corinthians 13:12), but in the kingdom we shall see our savior face to face, and we “shall be like Him” (1 John 3:2). Finally, there is reigning. We shall serve our King by ruling and reigning with Him “forever and ever” (v.5). What will we do in the kingdom? We’ll serve God, see our Saviour, and reign with Him forever. We’ll be busy!” Good morning I hope you are doing well. Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining I’m praying for you.

David H. Roper

What Will We Do In Heaven

Everyone is looking for happiness, and people follow many avenues trying to find it. They look for it in money, parties, self-improvement programs, fancy cars, luxurious homes, or promoting a cause, and many other things. That’s the wrong list. The right one is found in Matthew 5. Jesus taught us that deep and lasting happiness comes from being right with God. He said we are blessed, or happy, when we are: - Poor in spirit — recognizing our desperate need for God. - Mourning — realizing the awfulness of sin and being genuinely sorry for it. - ⁠Meek — demonstrating self-control, even when we are mistreated. - Hungry and thirsty for righteousness — longing to be holy and pure. - Merciful — howing mercy to others, just as God show mercy to us. - Pure in heart — being singleminded and sincere in our devotion to Christ. - Peacemaker — sharing the peace Christ offers, and promoting peace with one another. - Persecuted—being willing to suffer for Jesus’ sake. Looking for happiness? Follow Jesus’ way.” Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining I’m praying for you.

Dave Branon

The Pursuit of Happiness

When Jesus says we should “not let our left hand know what our right hand is doing” (Matthew 6:3), He’s urging us to give without need for recognition. When we give out of our love for God, without concern for receiving the praise of others, we can trust that our gifts — large or small — will be used by Him to help meet the needs of those receiving them. Happy Friday. Keep strong keep pushing, and keep shining I’m praying for you.

Kirsten Holmberg

Giving Out of Love

Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29). This yoke of gentleness became the true power behind the apostle Paul’s challenge to us: “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love” (Ephesians 4:2). In our humanness, such patience is impossible for us. But by the fruit of the spirit in us, the gentleness of the heart of Christ can set us apart and equip us to face a hostile world. When we do, we fulfill Paul’s words, “Let your gentleness be evident to all” (Philippians 4:5). Good morning keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining I’m praying for you.

Bill Crowder

Set Apart

As believers in Jesus, we have a resource infinitely better than a smartphone. God loves and cares for us intimately and desires for us to come to Him with our needs. The Bible says that when we pray, we can be confident “that if we ask anything according to his will, he hear us” (1 John 5:14). By reading the Bible and storing God’s words in our hearts, we can pray assuredly for things that we know He already desires for us, including peace, wisdom, and faith that He’ll provide what we need (v. 15). Sometimes it may seem like God doesn’t hear us when our situation doesn’t change. But we build our confidence in God by consistently turning to Him for help in every circumstance (Psalm 116:2). This allows us to grow in faith, trusting that although we may not get everything we desire, He’s promised to provide what we need in His perfect timing. Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining I am praying for you.

Kimya Loder

Confident In God

Robinson Crusoe said. Life was hard, but he found hope and comfort when he turned to the Word of God. Crusoe said, “One morning, being very sad, I opened the Bible upon these words, ‘I will never, never leave thee, nor forsake thee,’ Immediately it occurred that these words were to me; why else should they be directed in such a manner, just at the moment when I was mourning over my condition, as one forsaken of God and man? ‘Well then,’ said I, ‘if God does not forsake me,... what matters it, though the world should all forsake me...?’ From this moment I began to conclude in my mind that it was possible for me to be more happy in this forsaken, solitary condition. Have you been forsaken by a friend, a child, a spouse, a family member? God has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). So you too can say with confidence. “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me? (v.6). Hebrews 13:5-6. Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining.

David H. Roper

Never Alone

We must be careful that what takes place is not what happened to the people of Zechariah’s day. Although they engaged in religious activities, they were out to please only themselves. A vital element was missing—obedience to God. Instead of their conducting empty rituals, God wanted them to show their obedience to Him by: (1) administering true justice, (2) showing mercy and compassion, (3) refusing to oppress widows, orphans, and the poor, and (4) not planning evil against others (Zechariah 7:9-10). We can best honor God by evaluating our own devotion to Him in light of these four commands to God’s people. Our Lord does not want empty, self-centred religious activities from us. He wants the gift of obedience expressed in acts of kindness and helpfulness for those less fortunate than we are. Zechariah 7. Good morning happy new month. Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining.

Dave Branon

The Gift of Obedience

God canceled your plans to save your life. He sent you the other direction to avoid danger. He fights battles you know nothing about. His plan is better than yours. Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining. Good morning happy Friday. Have wonderful day.


Trusting God's Plan

It’s crucial to distinguish between personal wrongs, which we must be willing to forgive, and deliberate attacks on the gospel of Christ, which the Lord will judge. Paul drew that distinction in his letter to his young friend Timothy. First, Paul wrote with respect to an opponent of the gospel: “Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm. May the Lord repay him according to his works. You also must beware of him, for he has greatly resisted our words” (2 Timothy 4:14-15). The “harm” Alexander had done to Paul was not to him personally but to his message, and he was now engaged in stirring up opposition to Timothy’s proclamation of the gospel. Then, as if to plainly contrast and distinguish between those who oppose God’s work and those who personally wrong us, Paul followed with these gracious words: “At my first defence no one stood with me, but all forsook me. May it not be charged against them” (2 Timothy 4:16). How sad that Paul’s fellow Christians would desert the apostle in his hour of deep need! What should be done to them? Surely they’re deserving of his righteous anger. Not so. Paul said, “May it not be charged against them.” Lord, help us to be gracious too. 2 Timothy 4:14-18. Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining.

David H. Roper

Right And Wrongs

The birth of Jesus gave new significance to the name Immanuel, which means “God with us” (1:23). Because He lived among us, died for us, and sent His Spirit to indwell us, we have the assurance that God is with His people. So let us rejoice! Isaiah 8:1-10. Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining.

Herbert Vander Lugt


Imagine a farmer sitting on his front porch. You ask him what he’s doing. He answers, “farming.” You ask him what he’s growing. He replies. “Wheat.” “But your fields look unplowed and unplanted,” you say. “That’s right,” he answers, “I’m farming by faith. Believing God for a harvest.” “But shouldn’t you be doing something?” you protest. He replies, “I am. I’m praying and believing!” This story reminds us that God won’t do our work for us, and 1 Corinthians teaches us that the results are not up to us. The best way to serve is to faithfully plant and water the seed, then trust God for the results. 1 Corinthians 3:1-11. Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining.

Joanie Yoder

Let God Do His Work Pt. 2

In our zeal to serve the Lord, it’s easy to think that it’s our responsibility to produce results. This causes us to place too much faith in our ability and too little faith in God’s. Paul observed this same tendency in the Corinthian church. Certain believers extolled the seed-planting ministry of Paul, while others favoured the seed-watering ministry of Apollos. In 1 Corinthians 3, Paul reminded them that it is God who brings the seed to fruition (vv. 4-7). Yet Paul acknowledged that their faithful efforts were part of God’s plan, “and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labour” (v.8). 1 Corinthians 3:1-11. Good morning happy new week. Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining.

Joanie Yoder

Let God Do His Work Pt. 1

I heard about a company that had decided to open their stores on Sunday. Because they were located in an area with many churches, the corporation received scores of condemning letters from angry Christians. Some even said they were glad there was an eternal hell for those who had made this decision. Christian and non-Christian employees were offended and embarrassed. Lack of gentleness had harmed Christ’s cause. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day were quick to judge and lacked gentleness. They criticized Jesus because He ate and drank with tax collectors and sinners (Matthew 11:19). They were shocked because He showed concern for these people instead of harshly condemning them. He didn’t approve of what they did, but He saw them as sinners created in God’s image whom He had come to save. Let’s follow Christ’s example. Titus 3:1-8. Happy Friday. Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining.

Herbert Vander Lugt

How Gentle Are You?

In 1 Chronicles 13, we see how important it is to show respect to God. David had good intentions when he decided to bring the ark back to Jerusalem. During the process, however, Uzzah touched the ark in an attempt to prevent it from falling off the cart. God struck him dead. David was stunned and upset by God’s anger. Why did the Lord respond so severely? David came to realize that what he wanted to do for God had to be done with respect for Him and His specific instructions. God had commanded that the ark be carried by the sons of Kohath on poles, not on a cart, nor was anyone to touch it (Exodus 25:14-15; Numbers 3:30-31; 4:15). What David learned is something we too must take to heart. Showing respect for God means learning what He wants us to do and then obeying Him completely. To please the LORD, we must do His work His way. Good morning keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining.

Albert Lee

Showing Respect to God

The young servant of Elisha. He woke up early one morning and found out that the Syrian army had surrounded the city. Alarmed and afraid, he cried out to Elisha, “Alas my master! What shall we do?” (2 King 6:15). After Elisha prayed, the Lord opened the young servant’s eyes. What he saw must have filled him with awe and wonder. The Bible says that “the mountain was full of horses and chariot of fire all around Elisha” (v.17). The Lord’s army was there to protect them. We too at times long for God to give us some kind of reassurance that He is near, and sometimes He does. But that’s the exception. He wants us to learn to trust His promise that He is with us. No matter how frightening the situation, God’s people always have more on their side than the enemy has on his. Faith knows that God is working behind the scenes. 2 King 6:8-17. I trust you’re doing well. Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining

Mart DeHaan

Why Am I Afraid?

Some of us who’ve been married a long time may think that our experience makes us experts on matrimony. But I believe we can learn from newlyweds. First, when two people are truly in love, they will deeply care for each other and cherish their time together. Second, true love means that a couple’s relationship will be characterized by the good each one does for the other. How can two people with those characteristics be anything but best friends? Jesus is the ultimate source of love and respect (Ephesians 5:25-33). True love is Christlike love. A successful marriage requires falling in love over and over with the same person. Good morning happy new week. Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining. I’m praying for you.

Dave Branon

True Love

It’s a little phrase of just two words at the end of Colossians 1:16 – “for Him.” Yet that little phrase gives God’s own interpretation of history. In those two words He affirmed that Jesus is the final and complete explanation of everything. All that has happened and ever will happen is moving through time toward that climactic hour when every tongue will confess the lordship of Jesus Christ. Every knee, whether in grateful adoration or under compulsion, will then bow to Him (Philippians 2:10-11). Are you overwhelmed by what seems to be the aimless sequence of events? If so, look once more at Jesus — His life, death, resurrection, and promised return. Your troubled heart will be filled with hope and confidence as you realize that there’s meaning and purpose for everything in the world when you live “for Him.” Colossians 1:13-20. Happy Friday. Keep strong, keep pushing, keep shining, I’m praying for you.

Vernon Grounds

It’s All For Him

In both of these instances, prayer was seen as a last-ditch effort to resolve the problem. Only after all other options were eliminated did the person decide to pray. It was a desperate “grasping at straws.” Instead of prayer being a last resort, it should be one of the first things we do. The Lord answers prayers, and He wants us to come to Him continually with all of our needs (1 Thessalonians 5:17). The Bible tells us to “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer... let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6). So don’t wait. It’s always time to pray. I hope you’re doing well. Keep strong, keep pushing, keep shining, I am praying for you.

David C. Egner

Is It Time To Pray? Pt. 2

When people face trials, they often turn to prayer only as a last resort. A man who was fighting a valiant battle with cancer. As people observed the gradual effect on his body and lifestyle, one person said, “Well, they’ve tried everything else. I guess it’s time to begin praying.” Another man was going through an extremely difficult time at work. It was a crisis of major proportions that had ominous implications for him and for the future of his company. He just couldn’t resolve it. Finally he said, “I’ve tried everything I know to get through this situation and nothing has worked. It’s time to start praying.” Philippians 4:1-7. Keep strong, keep pushing, keep shining, I am praying for you.

David C. Egner

Is It Time To Pray? Pt. 1

I asked God for forgiveness, and I came to understand that I have been crucified with Christ (2:20). The power of my sinful flesh has been broken (5:24; Romans 6:6-7). I’ve gradually learned to bring this “death” into effect by allowing my flesh no more rights than a corpse! So I resolve daily to recognize and obey Christ’s will alone. I sometimes fail, but repentance puts me back in step with the Holy Spirit. We face this conflict every day, but the Spirit can overcome our sinful desires and win the battle. Which side is winning in your life? God will give us the victory, but we must be willing to fight. Galatians 5:13-26. Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining.

Joanie Yoder

The Battle Within

The apostle Paul saw kindness in a different light. In Ephesians 4:32, he linked being kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving with the way God has treated us. In Titus 3:4, he said that it was “the kindness and the love of God” that provided eternal salvation. In a world where callous thoughtlessness and selfish indifference are all too common, kindness can make our lives fruitful when motivated by Christlike love. When our walk harmonizes with our words of witness, it will make a compelling impact on others by pointing them to the kind of love God has for them in Jesus Christ. Let us learn from Paul and understand that trying to be a little kinder is one of the most profound truths of all. What motivates us to try? There’s no better reason than the love of God that He shown to us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Ephesians 4:25-32. Good morning happy new week. Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining.

Vernon Grounds

A Little Kinder