A bible.

"The Pursuit of Happiness"

Focus Scripture(s): Matthew 5:3

April 17, 2024

Everyone is looking for happiness, and people follow many avenues trying to find it. They look for it in money, parties, self-improvement programs, fancy cars, luxurious homes, or promoting a cause, and many other things.

That’s the wrong list. The right one is found in Matthew 5. Jesus taught us that deep and lasting happiness comes from being right with God. He said we are blessed, or happy, when we are:

  • Poor in spirit — recognizing our desperate need for God.
  • Mourning — realizing the awfulness of sin and being genuinely sorry for it.
  • ⁠Meek — demonstrating self-control, even when we are mistreated.
  • Hungry and thirsty for righteousness — longing to be holy and pure.
  • Merciful — howing mercy to others, just as God show mercy to us.
  • Pure in heart — being singleminded and sincere in our devotion to Christ.
  • Peacemaker — sharing the peace Christ offers, and promoting peace with one another.
  • Persecuted—being willing to suffer for Jesus’ sake.

Looking for happiness? Follow Jesus’ way.” Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining I’m praying for you.

- Dave Branon

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