"Why Am I Afraid?"
Focus Scripture(s): 2 King 6:16
March 20, 2024
The young servant of Elisha. He woke up early one morning and found out that the Syrian army had surrounded the city. Alarmed and afraid, he cried out to Elisha, “Alas my master! What shall we do?” (2 King 6:15). After Elisha prayed, the Lord opened the young servant’s eyes. What he saw must have filled him with awe and wonder. The Bible says that “the mountain was full of horses and chariot of fire all around Elisha” (v.17). The Lord’s army was there to protect them.
We too at times long for God to give us some kind of reassurance that He is near, and sometimes He does. But that’s the exception. He wants us to learn to trust His promise that He is with us. No matter how frightening the situation, God’s people always have more on their side than the enemy has on his. Faith knows that God is working behind the scenes. 2 King 6:8-17. I trust you’re doing well. Keep strong, keep pushing, and keep shining
- Mart DeHaan